Since I am also addicted to this game
I loved it. The whole play on the star of david/ the concept of the game was brilliant. Dolphin Cameo at the end also a great touch. And of course, the song. Well done sir. Well done.
Since I am also addicted to this game
I loved it. The whole play on the star of david/ the concept of the game was brilliant. Dolphin Cameo at the end also a great touch. And of course, the song. Well done sir. Well done.
Probably one of the most original things I have ever seen on newgrounds
Not bad
I get the concept. I think there is potential for it to be expanded into something bigger. It almost resembles a trailer to a full length movie about a guy who finds himself by getting lost in society. My one major complaint. I have no problem with using MIDI but at least use a metronome or quantize it. The drums were a little out of whack, which in turn made the melody a little off as well. All in all it was not bad, but there is defiantly room for improvement.
I am a bigger fan of this flash then i am of the actual game, amazing.
What is the name of the first song?
I have been trying to figure it out forever
It grew on me.
At first, i was totally taken aback by this. Now I am watching it every hour on the hour. Job well done sir, job well done.
Is it me...
Or does Larry kinda resemble pico?
ur the third or fourth person to say that. and your probably right. i assure you that was not my intention :)
Did I see
A hint at MGA3?
Well done
I love the style. Music was just perfect for this kind of flash, the rhyming was also spot on. Sweet job
Great stuff man.
I really like how this stays true to the style of one of Yotams flashes. Im sure he would be proud. It would be sick if you can redo this when hes out of the arm-me and possibly put some original voice acting by him in :)
I tried my best to emulate his style. I watched several of his movies where he features himself as a character. Him at his computer, and the shot of outside his house were both 50% copies of scenes from his own "My Screen Name"
I'll admit to that. It was all for the sake of authenticity.
And I think this was more of a once off sort of thing. I'm not picturing a remake/sequel. Only if Yotam himself approaches me first ;)